To serve the global composite materials : To make people's life more safe,more environmental.
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To serve the global composite materials : To make people's life more safe,more environmental.
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To serve the global composite materials : To make people's life more safe,more environmental.
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To serve the global composite materials : To make people's life more safe,more environmental.

To serve the global composite materials : To make people's life more safe,more environmental.
About Us
To serve the global composite materials : To make people's life more safe,more environmental.
Source manufacturer, less than 80% of the market price
Professional freight, ensure delivery time is timely
International certification, guarantee 100% quality
From specifications to packaging, support all your ideas
17 years of manufacturing experience, 9 years of trade 
87 trading countries, suppliers of 321 manufacturing companies
Global Supply
To serve the global composite materials : To make people's life more safe,more environmental.
Room 701, Building A, Zijingguandi, Qiaodong District, Xingtai City , Hebei Province, China 054001
Room 701, Building A, Zijingguandi, Qiaodong District, Xingtai City , Hebei Province, China 054001
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+86 15200033566
Our main business: Fiberglass Direct Roving, Fiberglass Spray up Roving, AR-glass Fiberglass Roving, Fiberglass chopped strand mat
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